Peace & Chaos
Works here liken modern life to a multifaceted epitome of an electronic game (Tetris). It focuses on the stacked expectations (real or perceived) of everyday life that we set by involving us as players in a task-solving game. Modern day living is a multifaceted compendium stacked with expectations, real or perceived, engaging its players in a task resolving game.
Chaotic daily routines start early and end late. Routine programs are set before to be achieved as a “to do” list, and sometimes, sporadic isolated events occur to challenge the tranquil flow of routine. Is this the norm? Or an invited construct? As a result, one cannot help but wonder if this “busyness” is a modern day symbol status? Afterall, if your tasks do not define you, what does?
Neocleous raises the question of whether our hectic routines determine us, and how is the value of this choice determined?
Peace & Chaos I
Triptych 60 x 60 cm, mixed media on canvas

Time Poverty II
80 x 60 cm, mixed media on canvas

Peace in Chaos III
Triptych, 60 x 60 cm, mixed media on wooden panel

Status Symbol
3 Three piece sculpture

Tailored Time Frame
Triptych, 60 x 60 cm mixed media on canvas mounted on wooden panel

Mayham I
80 x 40 cm, mixed media on canvas

Threaded Skirts I
40 x 50 cm, mixed media on canvas

Sporadic Alignment
150 x 200 cm, mixed media on canvas

40 x 120 cm, mixed media on wooden panel

50 x 60 cm, mixed media on canvas